Alison has earned her Master's in Elementary Education.
Alison previously taught elementary education for seven years with JCPS. In 2014, she started volunteering at SMA in various areas. She assisted teachers with DRA testing, organized the teacher's leveled library, worked with small groups of students in math and reading and was on the PTO. In 2017, she became the library media specialist and helped set up the new makerspace/media center area.
Alison loves spending time with her friends and family. She loves to travel and hopes to eventually see all 50 states. Alison has 3 children - Dalton, Gracie & Maggie and she enjoys watching them play their favorite sport - volleyball. Alison and her husband, David, have been married for 18 years and they also have 2 dogs, Patches and Pixie. Alison also enjoys reading, gardening, the beach and organizing. She is looking forward to another great year at SMA.