Who: Any married couple who wants to enrich and grow in their marriage.
Why: Many married couples may ask themselves "what now?" Dating, the wedding, the honeymoon were great, but how are we caring for our relationship now? Nurturing your marriage takes time, investment, and intentionality. This series allows couples to spend intentional time growing closer. It is a commitment of four days to set everything else aside and focus on your marriage. Need more convincing? Check out the 3-minute video below about the Marital Drift.
What: Four gatherings/mini-retreats throughout the year. Cost is $200 per couple.
***Child care is provided. ***Financial Assistance is available.
When: Saturdays 8:30am - 1:00pm on February 10, April 13, September 14, and November 9
Where: Saint Bernadette Parish Center, Soubirous Room
How: Register Now on WeShare