SIGN-UP FOR OUR NEXT EVENT!We exist for the sole purpose of learning one another’s names—as we break bread together. All we ask is you tell us your name!
Time: Six months out of the year we meet in each other’s homes for dinner, brunch—or sometimes just for appetizers and dessert. Twice a year we meet as a large group where all newcomers—and folks who haven’t yet discovered Supper Club—are invited to join us. You come as often as it suits you. All you have to do is show up with whatever the host asks you to bring. And you’ll likely meet somebody you didn’t know before.
Gifts and talents: If you are an adult, if you have a name, if you have a sense of humor—and if you would like to know more people, you are then qualified! Cooking skills are not required. If you have room to host people in your home, that is great, but also not required. It is never about the food or location; it is always about the fellowship. This is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners and truly become a part of a growing community.
Ministry Chair: Jean Sutton
Baristas serve coffee or other refreshments in the church Narthex after Masses one weekend a month. This gives our parishioners time to socialize a bit and to check out the displays in the Narthex. It is also a great opportunity to meet other parishioners and to welcome the new. A brief training is required.
Time: Baristas serve on a rotating schedule after Masses normally the weekend of the second Sunday of each month.
Ministry Chair: Carolyn Hoover
Adult singles and couples of the Saint Bernadette community who are interested in social activities and community service. WINGS meets for fellowship and planning future social outings and/or upcoming parish events or services dealing with various life transition experiences that would benefit the parish community. Our ministry provides adult socialization, fellowship, and support; whether new to the parish community or long-time parish members.
Time: Gatherings are held monthly and are hosted by committee members in their homes or at other locations of their choice. The gatherings are typically held on the 2nd Friday of each month or on alternate dates as planned by the Host.
Gifts and talents: Volunteers are needed to plan social outings, speakers, and events dealing with various life transition experiences for the parish community.
Ministry Chair: Debbie Goldberg and Jenny State
Women of all ages meet to discuss books chosen by the group. Special events are planned such as teas, socials and service days.
Time: The groups meet weekly/bi-monthly September through May. The times vary according to the group.
Ministry Chair: Cindy Davis
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS are Catholic men who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church.
Ministry Chair: Jim Unverzagt